The First Greg Kihn Band Concert of 2013, Pleasanton, CA

The first Greg Kihn Band Concerts of 2013 are coming up in March and I can’t wait! We are playing the FIREHOUSE ARTS CENTER in Pleasanton on MARCH 22 AND 23. The Firehouse is an intimate theater that only seats 227 and there is not a bad seat in the house. We haven’t played a small theater like this in eons! Of course I will be rehearsing the band quite a bit in the coming weeks because this...
Read MoreMy Favorite Greg Kihn Album, ROCKIHNROLL, Has Been Re-Released

RIOT and Greg Kihn are pleased to announce the re-release of ROCKIHNROLL. From Greg Kihn- My favorite GKB album of all time is RocKihnroll! This is the album that put the GKB on the map. It contained some of my favorite songs to perform live- like Valerie, Can’t Stop Hurtin’ Myself, Shelia, Womankind, and my all time #1 favorite- THE BREAKUP SONG. It was also at this time that Gary Phillips...
Read MoreGreg Kihn Releases With The Naked Eye on Apple iTunes

The year was 1979, and the Greg Kihn Band had just come off the road after months of European food we went back into the studio to record the follow up album to NEXT OF KIHN. We were in a rockin’ mood and we really wanted the new album to kick ass. If you’ll remember from our last adventure BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN had been to see the band at the Roxy just 6 months before and he liked our version of...
Read MoreGreg Kihn Re-Releases His 1978 Album “Next Of Kihn”

GREG KIHN and Riot Media are proud to announce the release of Greg’s THIRD BESERKLEY ALBUM (originally issued on vinyl in 1978) the legendary “NEXT OF KIHN”. Greg is currently re-releasing his entire Beserkley catalogue in chronological order with original artwork and liner notes and this is the third in the series. NEXT OF KIHN was recorded at CBS Coast Recorders on Folsom...
Read MoreGreg Kihn Again – I Am So Glad That This Historic Album is Once Again Available

Oct 2-2012- Riot Media and Greg Kihn are proud to present the digital release of “Greg Kihn Again” completely remastered! The re-release of my second album GREG KIHN AGAIN- the famous Japanese Mask album recorded and released in 1977. I have a hell of a story to tell about the making of that cover, but it will have to wait for next time. (People still ask me what the hell we were...
Read MoreGreg Kihn Debut Album Re-Released on Apple iTunes

“This record has it all: good songs (mostly written by Kihn) with strong vocals and tight harmonies. If you only know Kihn from the hits, you owe it to yourself to go back and track this record down. If you’re only just discovering him, start here and grow with the band. “ “The time has come, the Walrus said, to speak of many things…” I told you how we fought valiantly to get the rights back on...
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