Riot is proud to release – Greg Kihn Band “Best of Beserkley” 1974-1985

New Album Features 21 Remastered Hits from the Legendary 80’s Rocker
Riot and legendary 80’s rocker, Greg Kihn, are proud to announce the release of Greg’s new album, Greg Kihn Band: Best of Berserkley, 1974-1985, as both hardcopy CD and digital download. Best of Berserkley, 1974-1985 21-tracks features 19 Greg Kihn remastered original hits drawn from Greg’s eight- of-nine full-length Beserkley Records studio albums, including The Breakup Song (They Don’t Write ‘em Like That), Jeopardy, Happy Man and Reunited, along with two tribute tracks to Bruce Springsteen (long considered one of Greg’s biggest musical influences), Rendezvous and For You.
For the full story go to @ or on you can buy the album @ iTunes/Greg Kihn